

Hello! My name is Sydney and welcome to PlantlyAddicted! I’m an Online-based reliable plant dealer! A little about me, I’m currently 24 and a recent alumni from the University of a Central Florida. After maintaining many jobs that I thought would be the one, I woke up one day and wanted to be an entrepreneur. Over this past crazy wild year, PlantlyAddicted is growing into a mini empire and features all types of houseplants including rare and more common. Huge selections from “just starting” to those who have a beautiful growing collection.

Going through life, you deal with many relationships, some being life- lasting, while some being toxic and bad for you! Anywhere from friendships to relationships, it’s a challenge to find your niche and who belongs in your path. After personally going through some tougher times, I decided to create Plantlyaddicted in order to look at plants as a passion to take care of other living things. When you water and take care of your relationships and friendships they grow, and so will your plants. Water yourself, take care of the things around you. You give what you get! I have now found a passion to take care plants and my other passions in life. I have so many amazing customers that I bring joy to their face when they receive their new plant to their doorstep. Come find your next house plants and join my journey!

Thank you so much for visiting my site!….. ENJOY!

Watch My Journey Grow!